A Brazilian Food Journey

Home Ingredients





Photo Essay


Meat (top left) >>>

Most Brazilians are meet lovers. Beef is a favorite, but pork and chicken are also eaten regularly. Even the poorest Brazilians make an attempt to eat meat daily. Brazil is famous for its barbecued meats, churrascos in Portuguese.

Roots & Starches (top right) >>>

Brazilian recipes use wheat, corn, rice and beans.  But, manioc (cassava) is one of a number of local roots that play a central role in Brazilian food. Cashews and Brazil nuts are also native ingredients.

Fruits & Vegetables (bottom left) >>>

Native fruits, such as banana, papaya and pineapple are known internationally; but other native fruits, such as graviola, acai, caju and maracuj can only be found in regional markets. One of the more popular vegetables is okra.

Seafood (bottom right) >>>

The many rivers and long coastline provide a wealth of ingredients to Brazilian cooking. Shrimp, fish, octopus and crab are fried, baked and stewed.


Home Ingredients





Photo Essay

Created by Rachel Rose for Howard Besser's Development of Cultural Information Sources Using Digital Multimedia Winter 2002 UCLA Department of Information Studies

Last updated on: March 7, 2002