A Brazilian Food Journey

Home Ingredients





Photo Essay


Federative Republic of Brazil - Republica Federativa do Brasil

Brazil is a blend of European, African and Native American in its food, culture and peoples. The Brazilian census of 1996 shows that of a population of 157 million, approximately 38% reported being of 'mixed' racial background. Brazil is often called a "racial democracy", that is a multiracial society were one's ancestry is of little importance to what one can attain in life. While Brazil has embraced much of African and some of the Indian food and customs, the reality is a person's physical appearance is still an important fact in economic and political opportunities.

 In 1500 Portuguese sailor Pedro Alvares Cabral claimed the land for the King of Portugal beginning the Portuguese colonization of Brazil. Between 1550 and 1850 approximately 4 million Africans were brought as slaves to Brazil, at first to work sugar cane fields but, ultimately becoming involved in all areas of the economy. Estimates of the pre-contact population of Native Brazilians number in the millions, and today there are about 300,000 Brazilians classified as indigenous.  In the following pages you will learn a little about the what, how, when and where of Brazilian food.

learn more about Brazil's People, History and Government 

People of Brazil
Regional Food Styles
Foods & Etiquette
Festive Foods
Drinks of Brazil


Home Ingredients





Photo Essay

Created by Rachel Rose for Howard Besser's Development of Cultural Information Sources Using Digital Multimedia Winter 2002 UCLA Department of Information Studies

Last updated on: March 11, 2002