A Brazilian Food Journey

Home Ingredients





Photo Essay


Urban Areas and Ethnic Settlements

The ingredients of the cities are not surprisingly more international the non-urban areas of Brazil. Pasta and potatoes; sausage, be it Portuguese, Italian, German and Polish, and beef tenderloin; wheat bread, beans, rice, eggs, milk and cheese are given a Brazilian style in barbecues, stews and soups. Feijoada, a thick soupy black bean dish seasoned with onion, garlic, and pork sausages, tongue, ribs, ears, tails, and bacon is the classic Brazilian dish.


Roasted game meats are the meat of choice in the Amazon. Unfortunately, the deforestation of the area and increased hunting are putting many animals as risk of extinction.  Juice of tucupi leaves are used as a sauce for game meat (especially duck), and the leaves (tasting of spinach and chicory) are also eaten. Pirarucu (a species of cod) and mucua (a kind of turtle) are quite popular.  The fruit of the acai palm is a favorite among children.

People of Brazil

Foods & Etiquette

Festive Foods

Drinks of Brazil


African influence is noticeable in Bahia. Dende oil is derived from a palm native to West Africa. Farfoa, manioc flour roasted in dende oil, accompanies many dishes, such as Xinxim (a chicken and shrimp stew) and Vatapa ( a puree of fish or shrimp). Acaraje, a mashed bean fritter stuffed with peppers, dried shrimp, onions, ginger and dende oil.  Sweets are common in Bahia: Star friut sorbet and tapioca bars dipped in sweet condensed cream. Cinnamon and cloves are other ingredients associated with Bahia.


Rio Grande do Sul

The land of prairies, cattle ranches, rice  and wheat plantations.  Beef is a main ingredient and barbecue is common.  Grapes grown and wine produced here are shipped all over Brazil.



Brazil: A Cooks Tour. Christopher Idone. Clarkson N. Potter: New York, NY, 1995.

The Art of Brazilian Cooking. Dolores Botafogo. Doubleday & Co., Inc.: Garden City, NY, 1960.

Brazil in Focus: A Guide to the People, Politics and Culture. Jan Rocha. Interlink Publishing Group, Inc.: Brooklyn, NY, 2000.



Home Ingredients





Photo Essay

Created by Rachel Rose for Howard Besser's Development of Cultural Information Sources Using Digital Multimedia Winter 2002 UCLA Department of Information Studies

Last updated on: March 7, 2002