Demonstrations Against the War in Iraq
Fall/Winter 2002-2003, March 2005

images by Howard Besser


  • May 4, 2003 500-person demonstration in New York, without permit, marching from 97th St at Central Park down to television headquarters around 50th St and through mid-town

  • March 22, 2003 mass demonstration in New York, marching from Times Square to Washington Square Park

  • March 21, 2003 demonstrations in New York's Union Square and Times Square

  • March 20, 2003 demonstrations in New York's Union Square and Times Square (many images; slow to load)

  • March 19, 2003 demonstrations in New York's Union Square and Times Square

  • March 15, 2003 San Francisco public transit accomodates demonstrators

  • February 15, 2003 mass demonstration near UN in New York

  • January 18-19, 2003 mass demonstration in DC

  • October 6, 2002 mass demonstration in New York's Central Park

  • News and information on upcoming and past Demonstrations

  • United for Peace & Justice
  • International Answer
  • Independent Media Centers
  • Pacifica Radio NYC (WBAI)
  • Pacifica Radio Berkeley (KPFA)
  • Protests from around the world (from Yahoo, March 21, 2001)
