Demonstrations Against the War in Iraq
Washington, DC, January 18-19, 2003

images by Howard Besser

  • Images of Mass Demo--part 1 of 3 parts
  • Images of Mass Demo--part 2 of 3 parts
  • Images of Mass Demo--part 3 of 3 parts
  • Trying to Leave the Demo
  • Hanging out with friends before and after the Demo
  • Next day--small Jan 19 Demo
  • Police protecting the White House the next day-- Jan 19

  • All images together (very slow loading)



      In addition, see images of

  • October 6, 2002 demonstration in New York's Central Park
  • February 15, 2003 demonstration near UN in New York


    main page  |  mass demo #1  |  mass demo #2  | mass demo #3  | leaving  |  hanging out  |  jan 19 demo  |  protecting the White House  |  all images together