Howard Besser's T-Shirt Database

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free south africa
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) a keith haring design portraying a big black figure stomping on a small white figure and freeing herself from the noose the white figure is holding
(background) white
(iconic elements) Symbol - Resistance to Apartheid Person
(subject) social issues;;art -- postmodern

(text) Front: N/A
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) pixelated howard
(background) white
(iconic elements) Person - Howard Besser
(subject) lis -- computer-related;;popular culture;;humor;;art -- postmodern

chicago museum
(text) Front: DON BAUM - ART EXPO - 88 Museum of Contemporary Art CHICAGO
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) Building with collage of images including portrait of Jesus Christ, Mona Lisa, pastoral scenes
(background) white
(iconic elements) Person - Jesus Christ Person - Mona Lisa Thing - Building
(subject) art -- postmodern

(text) Front: KEITH HARING X Body Y B-501
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) Grid showing multicolored people engaged in various activities. Motion depicted by wavy lines.
(background) Yellow
(iconic elements) Person
(subject) art -- postmodern

fairer world
(text) Front: It's time for a fairer world OXFAM
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) Multi-colored montage of a symbolic world where people, animals, plants and technology are one.
(background) white
(iconic elements) Person --people thing -- animal
(subject) art -- postmodern;;social issues

(text) Front: N/A
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) A montage of pop icons including: Ronald Reagan, a smurf, a Botticelli, a pink flamingo, a cherub, a cupie doll, pizza and mighty mouse
(background) white
(iconic elements) Person - Ronald Reagan, Thing - screw, Thing - animal - flamingo, Thing - cartoon - Mighty Mouse
(subject) pop culture;;humor;;art -- postmodern

living theater
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) simple rendering of a grecian man holding a harp
(background) black
(iconic elements) Person - man, Thing - harp
(subject) art -- postmodern

X-Ray Vision
(text) Front: x-ray vision, pop-up tie
Back: N/A
Sleeve: N/A
(description) five lines of repeating images each line has a different image (sunglasses, men shaking hands, the sun, man with pop-up tie, head and shoulders of a man
(background) white
(iconic elements) Thing, Person
(subject) art -- postmodern;;pop culture;;humor


juan gris
(text) Front: JUAN GRIS
Back: University Art Museum 1 February - 8 April 1984 University of California, Berkeley
Sleeve: N/A
(description) photo-negative of juan gris image
(background) black
(iconic elements) Person
(subject) art -- postmodern

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Last update July 22, 2004.