
Below is an annotated bibliography of articles, books, and web sites I used while gathering information for this project:

This brief article describes the abundance of new portable MP3 players by various companies at the Comdex convention. The convention took place in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 16, 1999. Of special interest is the new player made by Sony which will have safety features built into its storage card that disallow a user to store songs that have not been copyrighted.
In his classic article, Barlow argues that with the digitization of information the use of copyright is not appropriate or possible. This is because copyright is designed to protect the physical aspect of information, the container in which the information is held. The ideas themselves are not protected. "In other words," he says, "the bottle [is] protected, not the wine." In cyberspace, these containers are no longer present. Barlow, as a solution, wishes that eventually, copyright law will no longer exist. Instead we will have an entirely new model to fit our entirely new situation.
Bello compares the new digital music industry to the established online adult entertainment industry and finds them to be quite similar. He explores how the adult entertainment industry deals with the highly organized piracy operations that have developed around it. Perhaps, he suggests, the music industry could borrow some of the stratagies that enable adult sites to make money in spite of piracy problems.
From the journal whose audience is people in the music industry, Bello interviews one of these people. Goodnoise (now Emusic) is a successful website that sells digital music. Bello asks Hoffman questions primarily concerning security features such as SDMI and the future of record labels, especially major labels. Hoffman speaks out against SDMI and tells how record labels will to improve because of MP3 technology.
In an informative interview for those in the music industry in which four "experts" speak from different view points in the industry. They make and support claims about SDMI. Specifically, Bello asks if SDMI is too restrictive a method of distribution, what its value to consumers is, and if it is even effective. Each of these men give different answers; the reader gets a summary of four different perspectives from four people who have different values.
This part of the MP3 Impact website gives explicit information for people in the industry about MP3. It does npot go into as much detail as it might, but it is good for getting a basic understanding. It is broken up into three sections: MPEG name game which describes the different types of MP3 files, Secure MP3 Option, which goes into more detail about secure MP3, and Download Channels, which lists and gives information and URL's about the different ways MP3 is available for download.
Bettig, an assistant professor of communication at The Pennsylvania State Unversity, gives a careful and well argued Marxist analysis of the ubiquitous role of capitalism in the development and implemantation of copyright law both in the U.S. and internationally. His focuses mainly on the film industry, using it as an archetype for big business as a whole. Overall, he argues that the copyright owners are major corporations. These corportions use copyright to increase their power and wealth. As a result, they have much influence in the making of new or revised copyright laws. Of special interest is the final chapter, "Intellectual Property and the Politics of Resistence," in which, using the voice of a "Marxist optimist," Bettig describes "various forms of political resistence within or agianst the instituion of intellectual property" (235). Drawing from this and other sources throughout this project, I call these forms "models."
This is a brief interview with Chuck D. The interviewer asks general questions about Chuck D posting songs on the web without permission; his opinion of SDMI, piracy, and the future of the music industry; and the upcoming Public Enemy superstation.
Elkin-Koren discusses one of the alternatives to copyright that seems to be growing in popularity: contract law. One specific example of contract law, which is being used by software companies, is a "shrinkwrap license" the terms of which a comsumer agrees to whenever the package is opened or the software is installed. Elkin-Koren argues against such contracts claiming that they upset the "delicate balance" that copyright has created between copyright holders and consumers. Specifically, she looks at the case of ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg.
Goodman discusses the controversy surrounding MP3. He speaks with Micheal Robertson of and others about why artists might like to use the MP3 medium. He gives highlights the debate surrounding the copyright problems that MP3 causes by talking to others in the industry and getting their opinions.
This well written article is an indepth examination of the different challenges that intellectual property law now faces with the advent of digital technology. One of these is digital music, which is the primary topic of section two. In all sections he discusses the arguments of the two extreme sides: those who want to eliminate copyright alltogether, and those who wish to strengthen and expand copyright laws. Also, Mann gives a history of copyright law, and explains the connection between copyright and democracy.
Parker argues that the RIAA should stop fighting against MP3 technology and instead find a way to use it to their advantage.
Here the RIAA gives the public a brief description of what ISRC is and how you can register to get it. Also, they state some reasons about why they feel it is necessary and what purpose it serves.
Read what the RIAA wants people to believe about MP3. RIAA express thier concern about the artists' rights and looks forward to the day when MP3 has the proper security features so that these rights will be honored.
RIAA's commentary and perspective on the probelm of piracy on the Internet. While reading this one can see that they are entirely opposed to music on the Internet, strongly suggesting to the reader that all Internet music files, including MP3, are illegal.
This page in the RIAA website contains a brief overview of the legal battles between RIAA and Diamond Multimedia. As of November 1999 this page has not been updated to include the settlement.
In this brief article, Robinson reports on the development of SDMI specifications, serial numbers, and efforts to get arund them. She shows concern as to how these measures will effect consumers.
This review of copyright law with links to the author's annotations of the laws. This is linked to by the open education class "Alternatives to Intellectual Property" taught at the Harvard Law School.
A news brief that explains why the RIAA could not stop Diamond Multimedia from selling the RIO Player. In short, because one cannot use the RIO Player to recored the MP3 file onto any other format, it is not in violation of the Audio Home Recording Act. Starrett exlains what the RIO Player is, presents the arguments of both sides, and concludes with the Judge's decision.
This article serves as a good introduction to trusted systems. Stefik argues that trusted systems have the ability to give the Internet browsing world higher quality information at a lower cost. Specifically, trusted systems give the information provider some assurance that whatever they post in the Internet will be safe from pirates and other do-gooders. Systems discussed include encryption and challenge-response protocols.
This brief article describes the settlement of the lawsuit and countersuit between the Recording Industy Association of America, the Alliance of Artists and Recording Companies, and Diamond Multimedia, the maker of the Rio MP300 player. Taylor gives the basic claims initially made by both sides. The specific terms of the settlement are not given, but the reader gets the idea: the Rio has joined SDMI, and so will soon have SDMI's security features built into the player.
Actually, there are 11 things listed. This informative list is great because it is completely objective. Because of his affiliation with the EFF one might expect a bias, but Templeton simply informs the reader of what the law states. He does offer some things to think about, but these are not extreme or meant to argue for any particular position.
This is exactly what it says. A good resource. Even better, though, are the links to other copyright resources at the top of the page.




