Multimedia: Issues in using Visual Material in

Cultural Heritage Organizations

INFOSYS 246, cntrl #42727, UC Berkeley

3 units, Spring 1999
Tues 1:00-4:00, 127 Dwinelle Hall


LIS 488 Seminar in Advanced Issues in Archival Science
Theoretical, Philosophical, Political and Cultural Aspects of Visual Materials in Archives
4 credit hours, Spring 1999
Tues 1:00-4:00, Room 107B, UNEX Lindbrook Center
(corner of Lindbrook and Gailey [formerly First Interstate Bank]), (310)209-5245

taught by Howard Besser and Anne Gilliland-Swetland

Office hours:

About the students:


This course will explore important issues around the use of visual materials (such as moving image film, photographs, drawings, maps, etc.) in cultural heritage institutions such as museums, archives, and libraries.  The course will deal with special issues posed by visual materials in terms of representation, selection, evaluation, organization, access, file format, repurposing, longevity, intellectual property, etc.

The first part of the Berkeley semester will cover background material and will be pragmatically oriented.  Beginning in April for six weeks, the course will be co-taught as a distance-learning course with the advanced seminar in archival science at UCLA taught by Anne Gilliland-Swetland.  At that point the course will focus on in-depth examination and evaluation of the theory base, social and cultural contexts, and political issues associated with the conceptualization, evaluation, role, and management of historical and contemporary visual materials in cultural heritage institutions such as archives, museums, and libraries. The final 4 weeks of the UCLA Spring quarter will be spent in preparing and discussing student seminar papers relating to the topics covered by the course.

Topics to be covered include:

Joint course materials

Week-by-week summary of topics covered prior to 4/6

More Recent Topics

  • Events to check out

  • Howard's Impact class

    main course page is at
    extra course page is at