Howard Besser Publications

  • Solely authored by Howard Besser
  •  Co-authored papers
  •  Bibliographical works




    Sole Author

    Besser, Howard. (2000a). Digital Longevity,  in Maxine K. Sitts (ed.) Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Prservation and Access Andover Mass: Northeast Document Conservation Center, 2000, pages 155-166 (

    Besser, Howard. (1999a). The MESL Experience versus Slide Libraries: Comparison and Analysis, Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation 14 (4), 1999, pages 477-499

    Besser, Howard.  (1999b).  Recent Copyright Law Changes Threaten the Public Interest,  Peace Review 11 (1), March 1999, pages 25-31

    Besser, Howard. (1998b). MESL Implementation at the Universities, in Christie Stephenson and Patricia McClung (eds.), Delivering Digital Images: Cultural Heritage Resources for Education, volume 1, Los Angeles: Getty Information Institute, 1998, pages 70-84

    Besser, Howard. (1998c). The Shape of the 21st Century Library, in Milton Wolf et. al. (eds.), Information Imagineering: Meeting at the Interface, Chicago: American Library Association, pages 133-146

    Besser, Howard. (1997a). The Changing Role of Photographic Collections with the Advent of Digitization, in Katherine Jones-Garmil (ed.), The Wired Museum: Emerging Technology and Changing Paradigms, Washington: American Association of Museums, pages 115-127.

    Besser, Howard. (1997b). Comparing Five Implementations of the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project: "If the museum data's the same, why's it look so different?", Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums, (Paris France, 3-5 September 1997), Pittsburgh: Archives and Museum Informatics, pages 317-325 (republished in David Bearman and Jennifer Trant (eds.), Museum Interactive Multimedia 1997: Cultural Heritage Systems Design and Interfaces (Selected Papers from ICHIM 97), Pittsburgh: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1997, pages 50-58.

     Besser, Howard. (1997c). Image Databases: The first decade, the present, and the future, in P. Bryan Heydorn and Beth Sandore (eds.), Digital Image Access & Retrieval (Papers Presented at the 1996 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, March 24-26, 1996), Urbana: Univ of Illinois, pages 11-28

     Besser, Howard. (1997d). Integrating Collections Management Information into Online Exhibits: The Web as Facilitator for Linking Two Separate Processes, in David Bearman and Jennifer Trant (eds.), Museums and the Web (selected papers from the 1997 conference), Pittsburgh: Archives & Museums Informatics, pages 201-205.

    Besser, Howard. (1997e). The Transformation of the Museum and the way it's Perceived, in Katherine Jones-Garmil (ed.), The Wired Museum: Emerging Technology and Changing Paradigms, Washington: American Association of Museums, pages 153-169.

    Besser, Howard. (1996a). Difficulties of implementing and maintaining current databases of WorldWide Web Information, Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les sciences humaines 32 (1-4), pages 11-28.

     Besser, Howard. (1996b). Issues and Challenges for the Distance-Independent Environment, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 47 (11), Nov 1996, pages 817-820.

     Besser, Howard. (1996c). Designing a Digital Documents Curriculum, in M. Stuart Lynn (ed.), Proceedings of the 29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Volume 5: Digital Documents, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 153-158.

     Besser, Howard. (1996d). Procedures and Practices for Scanning [WorldWIde Web document], Ottawa: Canadian Heritage Information Network (

     Besser, Howard. (1995a). Image Databases Update: Issues Facing the Field, Resources, and Projects, in Mimi King (ed.), Going Digital: Electronic Images in the Library Catalog and Beyond (pages 29-34). Chicago: Library Information Technology Association.

     Besser, Howard. (1995b). Multimedia and Networks Teach about Museums: Issues in Maintaining a WWW Site to Facilitate Distance Learning, in David Bearman (ed.), Multimedia Computing and Museums (Selected Papers from the Third International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums), Pittsburgh: Archives & Museum Informatics, pages 124-140.

    Besser, Howard. (1995c). Image Databases, Database 18 (2), April, pages 12-19.

     Besser, Howard. (1995d). From Internet to Information SuperHighway, in James Brook and Iain A. Boal (eds.), Resisting the Virtual Life: The Culture and Politics of Information, San Francisco: City Lights, pages 59-70.

     Besser, Howard. (1994a). Movies-on-demand May Significantly Change the Internet, ASIS Bulletin 20 (7), Oct/Nov, pages 15-17.

     Besser, Howard. (1994b). Fast Forward: The Future of Moving Image Collections, in Gary Handman (ed.), Video Collection Management and Development: A Multi-type Library Perspective, Westport, CT: Greenwood, pages 411-426.

     Besser, Howard. (1994c). Image Databases, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences 53 (16), New York: Marcel Dekker, pages 1-15.

     Besser, Howard. (1994d). RFP for Library Information Systems for the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, (unpublished document) Montréal: Centre Canadien d'Architecture.

     Besser, Howard. (1993a).Visualization of Historic Urban Data, in Diane Lees (ed.) Museums and Interactive Multimedia (Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Museum Documentation Association and the Second International Conference on Hypermedia and Interacivity in Museums), London: Museum Documentation Association, pages 86-91.

     Besser, Howard. (1993b). The Educational Marketplace, in Robert Muffoletto and Nancy Knupfer (eds.), Computers in Education: Social, political, historical perspectives, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pages 37-69.

     Besser, Howard. (1992). Adding an Image Database to an Existing Library and Computer Environment: Design and Technical Considerations, in Susan Stone and Michael Buckland (eds.), Studies in Multimedia (Proceedings ofthe 1991 Mid- Year Meeting of the American Society for Information Science), Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc, pages 31-45.

     Besser, Howard. (1991a). Advanced Applications of Imaging: Fine Arts, Journal of the American Society of Information Science, September, pages 589-596.

     Besser, Howard. (1991b). User Interfaces for Museums, Visual Resources 7, pages 293-309.

     Besser, Howard. (1990). Visual Access to Visual Images: The UC Berkeley Image Database Project, LibraryTrends 38 (4), Spring, pages 787-798.

     Besser, Howard. (1989). New Computer Technologies and Social Science Research Methods, in Lawrence J. McCrank (ed), Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences 4: (Proceedings of the International Conference on Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences), Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc, pages 62-69.

     Besser, Howard. (1988a). Independent Peace Groups and how they make their appeals: Structures, relationships to governmental bodies, and personal empowerment, International Seminar for World Peace (Proceedings), Seoul: F.A.K.,

     Besser, Howard. (1988b). Image Processing Integrated Into a Database for Photographic Images: Applications in Art, Architecture, and Geography, Electronic Imaging '88 vol. 2 (Advanced Paper Summaries), Waltham, MA: Institute for Graphic Communication.

     Besser, Howard. (1988c). Adding Analysis Tools to Image Databases: Facilitating Research in Geography & Art History, Proceedings of RIAO 88, March, volume 2, pages 972-990.

     Besser, Howard. (1987a). Digital Images for Museums, Museum Studies Journal 3 (1), Fall/Winter, pages 74-81.

     Besser, Howard. (1987b). The Changing Museum, in Ching-chih Chen (ed), Information: The Transformation of Society (Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science), Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc, pages 14-19.

     Besser, Howard. (1987c). Computers for Art Analysis, in R. A. Braden, et al. (ed), Visible & Viable: The Role of Images in Instruction & Communication (Readings from the 18th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association), Blacksburg, VA: IVLA.

     Besser, Howard. (1985). The Meaning Behind Computer Advertising, in L. W. Miller (ed), Creating Meaning (Readings from the Visual Literacy Conference at California State Polytechnic University at Pomona), Silver Spring, MD: IVLA, pages 44-54.

     Besser, Howard. (1983). Poland: The Making and Unmaking of the News, Berkeley: ASUC.

     Besser, Howard. (1982). Mass-Media E Polonia, Revista Anarchica 12 (7), October.

     Besser, Howard. (1981). How the Polish Workers Made the News,Journal of Community Communications 4 (2), Spring.


    Co-Authored Papers

    Besser, Howard and Maria Bonn. (1997). Interactive Distance-Independent Education: Challenges to Traditional Academic Roles, Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 38 (1), Winter, pages 35-42.

     Besser, Howard and Maria Bonn. (1996). The Impact of Distance-Independent Education, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 47 (11), Nov 1996, pages 880-883.

    Besser, Howard and Stacey Donahue (eds.). (1996). Distance-Independent Learning, special Perspectives issue of Journal of the American Society for Information Science 47 (11), Nov 1996.

    Besser, Howard, Rosalie Lack, and Robert Yamashita (eds.). (1999). Cost and Use of Digital Images on University Campuses: Lessons from the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project,  special issue of Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation 14 (4), 1999.

    Besser, Howard and Maryly Snow. (1990). Access to Diverse Collections in University Settings: The Berkeley Dilemma, in Toni Petersen and Pat Moholt (eds.), Beyond the Book: Extending MARC for Subject Access, Boston: G. K. Hall, pages 203-224.

     Besser, Howard and Christie Stephenson. (1996). The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project: Technical Issues in the Distributiion of Museum Images and Textual Data to Universities, in James Hemsley (ed.) E.V.A. '96 London (Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts), Thursday 25th July 1996 (vol 2), Hampshire, UK: Vasari Ltd, 1996, pages 5-1 - 5-15.

     Besser, Howard and Jennifer Trant. (1995). Introduction to Imaging: Issues in Constructing an Image Database, Santa Monica: Getty Art History Information Program. [].

    Besser, Howard and Robert Yamashita. (1999a). Issues of Network Access to Visual Information: The UCB Mellon Study of the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project, Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation 14 (4), pages 359-374.

    Besser, Howard and Robert Yamashita. (1999b). Issues in Electronic Publication of Image Databases: Report from a Study of the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project, in John W. T. Smith et. al. (eds) Electronic Publishing '99: Redefining the Information Chain -- New Ways and Voices (Proceedings of an ICCC/IFIP Conference held at the University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Ronneby, Sweden, 10-12 May 1999), Washington: International Council for Computer Communication Press, 1999, pages 137-143.

    Besser, Howard and Robert Yamashita. (1998). The Cost of Digital Image Distribution: The Social and Economic Implications of the Production, Distribution and Usage of Image Data, a report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (

     Besser, Howard and John Weise. (1995). "Don't I Already Have that Image?" Issues in Equivalency of Digital Images (unpublished paper).

     Lyman, Peter and Howard Besser. (1998). Defining the Problem of Our Vanishing Memory: Background, Current Status, Models for Resolution in Margaret MacLean and Ben H. Davis (eds.), Time and Bits: Managing Digital Continuity, Los Angeles: Getty Information Institute and Getty Conservation Institute, pages 11-20 (

    Waters, Don et al. (1996). Preserving Digital Information: Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information, Washington: Commission on Preservation & Access [].


    Published Bibliographical Works

    Besser, Howard and Terry Downs. (1983). International Blacklist: an Anti-Authoritarian Directory, Berkeley: ASUC.

     Besser, Howard and Nancy Goldman. (1980). Film Journals, Berkeley: ASUC.

     Provinzano , Linda, Howard Besser, Stephanie Boris, and Audie Bock. Films in the Collection of the Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley: University Art Museum, 1979

     Besser, Howard and Karen Murphy. (1978). UCB Media Resources Available to Film Students, Berkeley: ASUC.

     Besser, Howard and Ofra Benjamini. (1977, 1978, 1981). Film Journals in California Libraries, Berkeley: ASUC.

     Besser, Howard and Nancy Goldman. (1977, 1978). Film-Study Resources at UCB: Printed Materials, Berkeley: ASUC.

     Besser, Howard, Eric Brenner, and Nancy Goldman. (1977). Film-Study Resources at UCB: Non-Print Materials & Journals, Berkeley: ASUC.

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    Last modified: 10/9/2000