Howard Besser's T Shirt Database

Cataloging Instructions


The title field should include no articles and should be in all lowercase type. Punctuation is allowed and the title should fit in one line of text.

Text on Shirt

The text should be directly transcribed from the tshirt. The text should fit into two lines, the text that is choosen is up to the cataloger.

If the text is in another language please write Non-Roman characters in the field.

There will be three fields to input the text on shirt into: Front, Back, Sleeve.


The description should give a sense of what the tshirt looks like. Description will be entered in free form text and be approximately 4 or 5 lines long if appropriate.

Iconic Elements

This field is a description of the figure or figures depicted on the t-shirt. The Iconic Element field is not for the meaning of the image, which for our purposes would go in the "subject field", but rather, this field is for the pictorial depiction on the shirt.

The distinction between the iconic element and the subject of a picture is that same as that pertaining to the destinction between the denotion and connation of a word.


Use only if there is a legible signature of an artist on the t-shirt, or a copyright notice indicating an individual. In case of a well known artwork (e.g. "Last supper") without signature, leave the field blank. Maximum field capacity: 20 characters


Use the name of a corporate body that can be extracted from the t-shirt without extensive research: either the corporate body's name or its well known logo are clearly recognizible on the item. Use commonly known acronyms, e.g. CIA, FBI, IRS, instead of full names. Beware of publisher's intent e.g. if the text on the t-shirt says: "US Government sucks!" DO NOT input US Government as the publisher! Maximum field capacity: 40 characters

Image Manipulation:

Enter significant non-standard operations that affected the image, separated by semicolons. Valid entries include: 3-piece scan; cleaning; HSV (Hue/Saturation/Value) adjustments; LC (Ligtness/Contrast) adjustments; sharpening. Do not include required operations such as cropping, scaling, compression, or those that do not change the appearance of the image, such as rotation. Maximum field capacity: 80 characters.


How Applied:

Location of Design:

Size of Shirt:

Size of Design in Inches:


Neck Style

Sleeve Style

Fabric Type