Impact - Image Database Products to Review

Image Database Products to Review

This is a selected list of Image Databases and related multimedia products compiled by Howard Besser. Students in his classes will examine and write a short review paper on at least one of these.

Image DB Projects

Art and Architecture CD ROMs -- Art and Architecture Library

The following CD ROMs are available in the North Campus Art and Architecture Library for in-library use. Click here for their most recent list. Note: this library should have a computer to run the PC disks (Frank Lloyd Wright) by Sept 22 at the latest; confirm with Assistant Librarian Janine Odlevak ( if you want to use these before that date.

Commercial CD ROMs -- Shapiro Library

The following CD ROMs will be available in the University Reserves room on the 2nd floor of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library. Check the reserve list filed there under this course to get the appropriate accession number for the CD ROM you want. As of this writing, the room is open 8:30-22:00 M-Th, 10:00-17:00 Sat, and 13:00-22:00 Sunday. They may be checked out for a 24 hour period, and need to be taken elsewhere (i.e. the DIAD Lab) to be viewed. These CD ROMs are supplied courtesy of the Film and Video department.

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